Fred Brathwaite (born 1960), more popularly known as Fab 5
Freddy, is a hip hop pioneer, visual artist and filmmaker. In the late 1970s, Freddy became a member of the Brooklyn-based graffiti group The Fabulous 5, known for painting the entire side of
whole NY subway cars. Along with other Fabulous 5 member
Lee Quinones, under his direction they began to shift from
street graffiti to transition into the art world and in 1979
they both exhibited in a prestigious gallery in Rome Italy.
George Lee Quiñones (born 1960) is one of several artists to
gain fame from the New York City Subway graffiti movement. Quiñones was one of the innovators of New York’s street-art movement and is considered the single most influential artist.
He started with Subway Graffiti in 1974. By 1976, Lee was a
legend, working in the shadow, leaving huge pieces of graffiti
art across the subway system. Lee almost exclusively painted
whole cars, all together about 125 cars.
Donald Joseph White (born 1961) is considered one of the
most influential history of graffiti artists. In 1978, Dondi
formed his own crew, named CIA (Crazy Inside Artists). For the next 20 years, Dondi became recognized as the stylistic standard.
Dondi pioneered many of the styles and techniques still used
by modern graffiti artists. He wanted the public to be able to
read and enjoy his work, so he would focus on readable letters with intricate fills and characters.